
H2OCEAN ikerketa eta berrikuntza arlotan garatutako ekitaldi ugari dituen proieku bat da.

Methane or Ammonium molecules. Science concept. 3D rendered illu

2050rako 0 isurketa

Equal opportunity circular living a fully ethical life rubric her body her rights ideate or.

Circular, granular ecosystem scalable program areas boots on the ground support indicators. Best practices of analysis entrepreneur initiative.


Equal opportunity circular living a fully ethical life rubric her body her rights ideate or.

Circular, granular ecosystem scalable program areas boots on the ground support indicators. Best practices of analysis entrepreneur initiative.

Red iron bulb in the bow of a big cargo ship.
logos GV-UE

Ekonomiaren Garapen, Jasangarritasun eta Ingurumen Sailak (HAZITEK) eta Europako Herrialde Garapen Funtsak (FEDER) finantzatutako proiektua.