Imagine the future of maritime transport
What is H2OCEAN?
The maritime sector is facing the largest global challenge set to decarbonize the whole maritime sector. By the end of 2050, global emissions of sulphur dioxide must have been cut by 55%, nitrous oxide by 38% and particulates by 36%, compared to 2008 data.
International maritime transport is the backbone of the world's economy. Between 70-80% of freight is transported by sea. Other types of vessels making up the sector, such as oil tankers, fishing boats, passenger vessels and recreational craft, need also to be added to that figure.
However, vessels release emissions that pollute the air and significantly contribute to global warming. Furthermore, maritime transport is a source of noise emissions (to the atmosphere and marine environment) and is responsible for part of the proliferation of invasive marine species. When it comes to shipbuilding, materials are used that could have further impacts. apart from the activity being energy and raw-material intensive.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has agreed international standards to reduce the air-polluting emissions from the vessels.
The European Commission announced in the European Green Deal that GHG from EU transport should be cut by 90% by 2050 and outlined how that would affect maritime transport.
Opportunity offered by hydrogen in the energy transition to decarbonisation
The fuel of the future for shipping must produce zero emissions at the same time as being able to power the vessels around the world, be storable and transportable, and, of course, be financially viable.
The green hydrogen appears an opportunity in this context. Green hydrogen is going to play a key role in the process to decarbonise the economy that is known as the energy transition. It is an inexhaustible source of clean and sustainable energy, which can be used to power different industries, and which above all, will allow the planet to be decarbonised.
Basque industry is well placed to be the benchmark to undertake this challenge.The Basque Country has a large number of companies that are strategic representatives of the supply chain of the shipping sector, energy sector and of renewable sector, and which have significant own technological capabilities.
Primary purpose of the project
This project seeks to research less mature technologies that allow the industries of the Basque Country to be positioned as a national and international benchmark regarding the sustainable vessel of the future based fundamentally on hydrogen technology.
Work packages
Defining technical requirements ans constraints. Technology Watch
This work package aims to define the requirements and constraints for the studies and analyses to be conducted throughout the project, as we'll as carrying out a technology watch of the sector.
Green Ship Propulsion and Power System
The aim of this work package is to develop all the technologies associated to the power system of a sustainable vessel, both from the point of view of propulsion and from generating power for auxiliary consumption.
Sustainable Vessel: Materials, Recyclability and Constructability
This work package seeks to lay the design basis to be developed in the other work packages. The following sub-goals have been defined and the following tasks shall be carried out to fulfill them.
- T3.1 Task: predict how a material is going to behave in the presence of hydrogen and generate data that endorse its use.
- T3.2 Task: establish the environmental footprint (by means of LCA studies) of a hydrogen-power vessel, with three goals, to:
- Have stool to calculate the environmental footprint of the vessel.
- Optimise the processes and technologies studied.
- Compare results with current state-of-the-art (benchmarking).
- T3.3 Task: develop a new system that allows the available space to be optimised for fitting out vessels, both in freight and passenger ships.
- T3.4 Task: Investigate and analyses the feasibility of an innovative system for the automated welding of ship hull blocks based on a cable robot, wit a robotic arm and welding head will be integrated on its mobile platform.
Operations and Maintenance Innovation
The aim of this project work package is innovation in the use of AI technologies to develop smart tools to support the vessel operation and maintenance decision-making in order to optimise sustainability.
This general goal is divided into 2 specific goals:
- Optimising maintenance costs by using the digital twinning concept for system and subsystem O&M.
- Optimising the vessel operations both by using navigation assistance systems while maximising safety and by dynamic reconfiguration of their inner space for different functions.
Results Validation
This project work package aims to research the behaviour of the H2OCEAN products developed in Tecnalia workshops and laboratories and in representative environments such as the facilities of the participating companies.
The main activities will be as follows:
- Validation of prototypes of new products, processes and services: the prototypes and coupons manufactured with the minimum viable prototypes of manufacturing means will be validated to demonstrate and validate the technology that has been developed.
Disseminating and Exploitation of the Results
The goal is to provide the set of activities needed to disseminate internally and externally the initiatives and showcase the results of interest during the deployment of the project. This procedure is aimed at informing the different stakeholders.
Definition of the conditions and requirements for the studies, analyses to be carried out and technological surveillance
Lay the design basis that will be developed throughout the different work packages
Innovation in the use of AI technologies for the development of smart tools
Contact us
If you want to be part of the H2OCEAN project or just need some information about the project, do not hesitate contacting us.

Project financed by the Department of Economic Development and Infraestructure of the Basque Government (HAZITEK program) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).